Lees Power Management Team Building Activities - Confronting The Sweltering Weather, We Remained Undaunted.

The management team of Lees Power held a mid-year group building event with the theme of "Working together, going all out, Being invincible" in the scenic Moganshan from August 9 to 11. The purpose of this event is to review the company's achievements in the first half of the year, while strengthening team cohesion and stimulating staff enthusiasm through teamwork and outdoor challenges to inject new vitality into the work of the second half of the year.


In the embrace of nature, the Lees Power team has fun. Everyone takes a small train to shuttle through the mountains, enjoy the beauty of the lush mountains, enjoy the peace and harmony of nature. On the tackle, members chase the speed of the wind and experience the perfect combination of speed and passion. In the process of high-speed slide, to release the inner pressure and anxiety, happy laughter echoed in the valley. The team experienced the refreshing summer breeze through the rafting project. Paddling along a fast-flowing river, the pounding of the current and the pounding of the waves make the heart beat faster. In this process, team members support each other, face challenges together, and enhance trust and cooperation between each other.

Through this series of rides, Lees Power team members not only enjoy the beauty of nature, but also enhance the feelings between each other in the joy. In the game, I learned to support and cooperate with each other to face challenges together. This trip is not only an opportunity to relax and have fun, but also an important moment for team building. The team members found common ground with each other in the embrace of nature, strengthening the team cohesion, and laying a solid foundation for future work and challenges.

The next day, the Lees Power management team conducted a comprehensive and in-depth review and summary of their work in the first half of the year, showed the results achieved, sorted out the work in the second half of the year, and shared and looked forward to cross-departmental communication.

We respectively sorted out and summarized their work in the first half of the year in detail. These reviews and summaries not only make other departments have a clearer understanding of their work, but also help employees have a deeper understanding of their own work ability and potential. According to the work experience and lessons of the first half of the year, the work of the second half of the reasonable arrangement and adjustment, clear the focus and difficulties of the work, set specific work goals and plans. These planning and combing not only provide a clear direction for the team's work in the second half of the year, but also provide a guarantee for the team's work efficiency and effect.

In particular, it is worth mentioning the mutual evaluation after the report. In an open environment, people open their hearts, sincerely praise each other, and make effective suggestions. This way of mutual evaluation not only enhances the trust and understanding between team members, but also improves the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team.

In general, this review and summary not only gives the Lees Power management team a stage to show their achievements and style, but also defines the work direction and goals for the second half of the year. We will devote ourselves to the work in the second half of the year with higher enthusiasm and greater determination, and strive to achieve the goals and ideals of the team.

On the third day, as the highlight of the group building activity, the walking challenge became a touchstone to test the physical strength and perseverance of the team members. In the face of rugged mountain roads and hot weather, it takes a huge effort for everyone to keep going. However, it is challenges like these that bring team members closer together.

During the walk, everyone supported and encouraged each other. When someone feels exhausted, others reach out and give strength and courage. When someone encounters difficulties, everyone will think about the solution to the problem together and work together to overcome the obstacle. This spirit of teamwork not only makes everyone feel warm and encouraged, but also makes the whole team become more cohesive.

Through this hiking challenge, not only exercise the body, but also exercise the will. In the extreme environment, we continue to break through their own limits, showing a tenacious perseverance and indomitable spirit. At the same time, the activity also enhanced the unity and trust among the team members. We realized that only by working together can we overcome difficulties and achieve greater achievements.

At the end of the walking challenge, everyone was filled with pride and satisfaction. This not only completed a difficult challenge, but more importantly, I felt the power of teamwork through this activity. The willpower and team spirit shown by the Lees Power team under high temperatures will become a valuable asset in our future work, and inspire us to keep moving forward and meet more challenges.

Through this event, Lees Power has demonstrated its awareness of the importance of employee care and teamwork, further creating a positive, united and collaborative corporate culture. At the same time, the "hot and hot" team building activity also lit a fire in the hearts of Lees Power team, Lees Power will continue to work together to meet the future challenges and opportunities with more enthusiasm and firm pace.