Bloom in the Challenge | Lees Power "MEE 2024" Dubai Tour

Half sea and half desert, is how the world once described Dubai. There, people are used to seeing blue and yellow. With a sudden rainstorm, the bustling metropolis saw a rare scene - the sky turned green in an instant.


The UAE National Meteorological Center confirmed on the 17th that the UAE has suffered the heaviest rainfall in the past 24 hours since records began in 1949. In Dubai, the rainfall on this day is equivalent to the average rainfall of one and a half to two years. However, this sudden natural disaster also brought force majeure challenges to our highly anticipated Middle East Power Energy Exhibition (MEE2024), and finally the organizer officially announced the cancellation of the exhibition on April 17.


It is a pity that our well-designed and constructed booth and selected highlight products cannot meet with you offline! In the face of this unexpected situation, the Lees Power team has shown an admirable resilience and strong will. We quickly adjusted our strategy to move offline activities online, ensuring constant connectivity with our customers and partners. We received and visited several groups of customers and partners offline at local hotels in Dubai to discuss industry dynamics and share market information.


At the same time, we still want to take this opportunity to introduce to you the two exhibits we carry this time, one is the 525KVA silent unit equipped with Cummins engine and Stanford motor in line with international standards, with double fuel tanks, professional for rental.


In addition, we specially introduce this new second-generation solar light tower, which is also the highlight of this exhibition. It has a height of 8.2 meters, and compared with traditional diesel lighthouses, no fuel operation, not only reduce operating costs, but also achieve zero carbon environmental goals. This is a true green energy beacon. It is equipped with four 240W LED lights, each with an independent circuit breaker switch, to provide safety for site construction. The solar panel consists of four retractable panels, which are easy to transport and store between different sites. In sufficient light conditions, the charge can be completed in just six hours, while the mobile trailer can reach speeds of 80 km/h. The base is also designed with forklift feet for quick movement in special situations. The energy storage system uses high-performance energy storage lithium battery pack to ensure that it can continue to work for 8 hours after full charge. Such a powerful energy reserve makes this LED lighting device an indispensable right-hand man in mines, construction sites and other places. With this device, you will witness the great power and charm of solar energy, while enjoying efficient, economical and environmentally friendly lighting solutions.


This trip to Dubai is full of twists and turns and challenges. There are unexpected events, we move forward in the wind and rain, and every step embodies the strength and determination of the team. Raindrops hit the body, but can not douse the fire in our hearts, this experience, like a mirror, reflects the fearless spirit of Lees Power team and flexible organizational response ability. At the same time, it also reminds us that the change of the global natural environment is an urgent issue that concerns the future of everyone. Therefore, Lees Power will continue to innovate in product research and development, continue to improve product quality and technical level, and create more green, efficient and stable products!


Lees Power will continue to uphold the entrepreneurial spirit of exploration and innovation, regardless of wind and rain, we can meet the needs of different customers, and continue to promote the continuous progress of the power industry. Thank all customers and partners for their support and trust in our products and services. We believe that as long as there is light in the heart, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Let us join hands to write a brilliant chapter of Lees Power on the road of challenges.